Critical Design Lab Protocol Index
“Protocol” is the term we use for replicable methods for research-creation, accountability, and generosity. Design protocols show our work. Research protocols make clear our commitments to community-based knowledge. Social practice protocols allow us to act and create in conversation. We invite you to use and engage with the following protocols.

Image Description: A squiggly line that resembles a path folding back on itself in a pattern from top left to bottom right.
Protocols for Designing Otherwise
- Blog Post: Protocols for Unfinished Techno-science
- Blog Post: Cryptic Innovation
- Blog Post: Ethnography Looks Back at Design
- Blog Post: Anti-Racist Critical Design
Protocols for Creating Accessible Spaces and Content
- Google Doc: Crip Podcasting: how we make the Contra* podcast
- Google Doc: Remote Access Dance Party participation guide: how we organize and run this party
- Google Drive Word Doc: Mapping Access Toolkit: how to do accessibility mapping
- Blog Post: Mapping Access in Cultural Spaces
- Google Drive: Slowing Down Academic Time
Protocols for Disability Justice-centered Teaching
- Blog Post: Accessible Teaching in the Time of COVID-19
- External Site: Protocols for Making in the Classroom
- Google Doc: Teaching Open in Emergency a special issue of the Asian American Literary Review